According to the Polish law examination for sanitary and epidemiological purposes shall be carried out on pupils, students and postgraduates training for jobs, at which there is a possibility of transmitting an infection or contagious disease to other persons, and on persons taking up or performing jobs at which there is a possibility of transmitting an infection or contagious disease to other persons.
Majors with mandatory sanitary and epidemiological examinations:
1. Medicine
2. Pharmacy
3. Nursing
Instructions for taking samples from healthy persons for carrier state testing Salmonella and Shigella (for sanitary-epidemiological purposes)
1. In the case of tests for Salmonella and Shigella carriage routinely performed at the Medical Diagnostics Laboratory of the WSSE in Gdańsk, the condition for accepting material for testing is prior telephone registration at + 48 58 776 34 16. Due to the limited number of places on a given day, and the recommendation the research was completed by December, it is advisable to register well in advance (as soon as possible).
2. Method of collecting material for tests
Testing of healthy persons for Salmonella and Shigella shall be made based on three stool samples, taken and submitted, preferably daily, or at short intervals.
Take a lump of stool the size of hazelnut (with a spatula attached to the lid of the faeces container – containers provided in the welcome pack).
Given the current pandemic situation, it is preferable to submit *three stool samples for testing on one day. For this purpose,
two days prior to the scheduled sample delivery date, the first stool sample shall be collected in the afternoon or evening, the second sample shall be collected one day prior to the scheduled sample delivery date, and the third stool sample shall be collected in the morning on the day of the scheduled visit.
3. Storage and transport conditions of the material
- The samples shall be kept refrigerated until delivery to the laboratory.
- The faeces container must be legibly labeled with the patient’s name and the date the material was collected.
- Each sample needs the Single Order legibly filled in and attached. Single Study Order Toward Salmonella, Shigella for 2024 MUG (173 KB)
- Samples should be delivered to the maximum up to 44 hours after collection. Samples described according to the template provided, together with three independent Single Orders, should be handed on to:
Samples are accepted at the Sample Acceptance Point of the WSSE in Gdańsk, ul. Hoene Wrońskiego 5 in Gdańsk (entrance at the back of the building) from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Test reports are issued from Monday to Friday from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. upon presentation of an ID document.
So you should bring:
It is important to bring:
THREE samples labeled legibly (the description on the container needs to include the patient’s name as well as the date and time the material was collected). The three independent containers shall be secured in one sealed plastic bag. Containers will be prowided in the “welcome pack”
THREE completely and legibly filled and signed copies of the Single Order. Three printed versions will be given in the “welcome pack”. Version for print (if needed is in here)
Single Study Order Toward Salmonella, Shigella for 2024 MUG (173 KB)
Statement for the purposes of GDPR – page 2 of the Single Order – see above
Reports from tests to exclude carrier status will be forwarded to the occupational medicine physician of the Family Medicine Center of the Medical University of Gdańsk. z o. o. Contact to arrange an appointment with an occupational medicine doctor and collect the final certificate is only possible via e-mail –
The sanitary and epidemiological certificate obtained from the occupational medicine doctor REMAINS WITH THE STUDENT – (it is best to attach it to the internship booklet) to be presented in the event of an inspection during the internship.
In case of any doubts concerning filling in the form, please see which data is essential:
SAMPLE Single Study Order Toward Salmonella, Shigella for 2022 MUG Essential Data page 1 (187 KB)
SAMPLE Single Study Order Toward Salmonella, Shigella for 2022 MUG Essential Data page 2 - translation (419 KB) (420 KB)