The guidelines on oral exams include, the following:
• interview to be administered online follow the same procedures as for face-to-face oral exams and it lasts for 15-20 minutes;
• the interview will be entirely conducted online via live streaming on Zoom, Please note: it will not be possible to request support from the University’s IT Helpdesk – candidate has to check prior to the exam if her/his system works;
• interview is conducted via ZOOM with one of the Admission Committee member (link to the ZOOM meeting will be provided after confimation by candidate proposed date of interview);
• when taking an interview, candidate will need to show your face and a valid ID document in order to be correctly identified;
• if it is not possible to carry out the examination due to absolute lack of connection or low bandwidth, or if the internet connection is lost regardless of the time of the interruption, the interview will be repeated;
• if the candidate is caught cheating, the interview will be cancelled;
• if the student’s workstation is abandoned before the end of the examination, regardless of the time of the interruption, the exam will be cancelled;
• if other people are present and/or interact with the student, the exam will be cancelled;
• candidate will be informed of the mark obtained.